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Love One Another, 

a   Ministry of Justice and Inclusion  (LOAM)


The LOAM (Love One Another, a Ministry of Justice and Inclusion) ministry, an activity encouraged by Faith’s Outreach Team, was endorsed by Faith United Methodist Church leadership in the summer of 2020 with a broad mission: (a) to foster understanding of the call toward full inclusion and reconciliation with the LGBTQIA+ community, and (b) to respond to the rapidly growing awareness in society and the church of the need to address the systemic nature of racial inequities and injustice.


LOAM affirms that God created all of humankind in God’s image; therefore, we welcome, affirm, and celebrate people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions; and people of all races, nationalities, physical or mental ability, faith history, life experience, or any other labels others try to use to marginalize people. We renew our commitment to “educate, act, and equip" the congregation to strive toward inclusivity of all by focusing on our priorities.


Members and friends of Faith meet monthly (referred to as  "Juice, Joe & Justice") after Sunday worship service for thoughtful discussions about racial and social justice issues. Sustained by juice, coffee and cookies, we explore intersectionality through the lens of our identity as followers of Jesus. We meet to share our experience and learn alongside others on the journey to discern how we are being called to seek God's justice in the world. 





Essentially, intersectionality is a framework for understanding how a person's many and varied social and political identities combine to create different experiences and expressions of discriminatio and privilege (Wikipedia).

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