Youth Ministry Kickoff Event!
Fun, fellowship, food and service!
Join us Sunday, September 29th from 4:30-6:00 p.m. for our Youth Kickoff event! We will meet for a potluck dinner at Cabin John Park:
7400 Tuckerman Lane Bethesda
and gather at Picnic Shelter B
This is a whole family event - bring your parents, siblings, and any friends you can gather. We will provide the main dish and paper products, and bring a dish to share.
Cabin John Park is full of fun trails to hike and a fantastic playground for any youth-members-in-training that might join us. We will take the time to eat together, play games, and brainstorm where we'd like to go moving forward. RSVP to Suzanne Smedberg, Faith Youth Coordinator, at ssmedberg@faithworkshere.com. All are loved and all are welcome!