LOAM (Love One Another Ministry of Justice and Inclusion)
Antiracism is an active process of acknowledging, identifying and eliminating racism by changing attitudes, systems, policies and practices so that power is redistributed and shared equitably (definition adapted from NAC International Perspectives: Women and Global Solidarity). Recent events – COVID 19 and people dying in police custody – have highlighted inequities in the way people are treated and systems are built and maintained. There are a group of members at Faith having a robust conversation about how we are called to justice, mercy, compassion and love – following in the footsteps of Jesus. Perhaps you are ready to join the conversation.
There are good conversations happening. This is not easy. We do not agree. But we grow when we struggle together.
Contact Pastor Laura to receive the Zoom credentials. If you've never used Zoom before, here is a great tutorial on how to use it. The presenter does a great job of taking you step by step on how to access a Zoom call.
Check out our anti-racism resource list in PDF format